Friday, February 01, 2008

Top 7 Food Dangers Stalking The Vegetarians

Eat your proteins, vitamins and minerals

By: Stefan Anitei, Science Editor

are an animal lover, and you have decided not to eat anything coming
from an animal. But with the meat and animal products out, you're going
to miss many minerals, vitamins and nutrients.

Watch out to this:

1. Proteins are the "bricks" of the organism, and must contain all the
essential aminoacids, in precise proportions. Only proteins from eggs,
meat, fish and dairy products are complete, that's why plant proteins
must be supplemented by animal proteins coming from dairy products or
eggs twice a day, especially in the case of children. Calcium
absorption is eased by the consumption of skimmed or low fat milk.

Those following a completely veggie diet must combine the incomplete
proteins contained in the legumes with complementary proteins.
Complementary families of proteins are legumes with cereals, legumes
with seeds, legumes with nuts.

The best proportion is 60 % cereal proteins, 35 % legume proteins and 5
% vegetable proteins. Be aware that nuts contain 50-70 % fats, that's
why they do not represent a good source of proteins. Complementary
proteins are better assimilated if consumed at different meals of the
same day.

2. Vitamin B12. All plants are poor in vitamin B12, that's why in the
case of vegetarian diets, you must take supplements of vitamin B12 or
soy milk. Milk, soy milk and eggs have high levels of B12.

Low amounts of vitamin B12 cause pernicious anemia and nerve tissue
degeneration (which can be irreversible and deadly). Smoking aggravated
deficiencies of vitamin B12.

3. Vitamin D. Deficiencies of vitamin D were found especially in
totally vegetarian children. If the diet does not contain vitamin D
enriched milk, sun exposure and vitamin supplements are recommended.

4. Vitamin E. Milk is rich in vitamin E, and in the case of those
completely vegetarians, more cereals, legumes and yeast can replace the
animal sources.

5. Calcium. Total vegetarians, especially women, have low levels of
calcium, fact that can trigger various issues, like osteoporosis.
That's why for those completely vegetarian, supplemented soy milk,
oxalate-poor vegetables, sunflower and sesame seeds are recommended. Be
aware that too many dietary fibers can slow down calcium absorption.

6. Iron improves blood quality and immunity, increases stress
resistance and can be found in green vegetables, nuts, and whole
cereals. The number of anemic veggies does not differ significantly
compared to meat eaters. The iron level can be boosted by iron
supplements accompanied by vitamin C.

7. Zinc is crucial in wound healing and presents a low level amongst
vegetarians, especially women, due to the plant diet, poor in this
element. Good sources of zinc are the fat cheeses, like Cheddar,
Parmesan or even tofu.

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