How Do Sexy Music Videos Impact Your Mind?
- And what does your preffered music says about you?
By: Stefan Anitei, Science Editor
you swing the channel for a music one and look for just half an hour,
it is impossible to think that not all the women on this planet have
huge implant-filled boobs, big rounded buts and a bimbo face.
And if you think that what music videos present is just for the sell,
without any harmful effect to the mind of the young people, you're
A new research led by Tom ter Bogt, chair of the Royal University of
Utrecht's music and youth culture department, shows that sexy video
clips impact deeply the self-image of young girls. The research was
carried on 500 young subjects.
Half of them were put to watch sexy video clips of dance and hip hop
artists, while the other watched the same artists, but the neutral
video variant of their songs. The subjects who watched the sexy videos
were more convinced that the sexy look was crucial for a women, and
this effect induced by the sexy videos was more profound on girls than
"This was due to the fact that girls are generally more influenced by
their immediate surroundings, especially by their mothers," wrote the
Boys appeared to be less influenced by their family environment when
they form their music taste, with just one exception: the taste (or its
lack) for classical music seems to really form inside the family. It
also appeared that the preference of the subjects for specific music
genres was a relatively stable trait during a person's lifetime.
The research also has come with a connection between a person's musical
taste and his personality. Those being amateurs of hit parade music,
hip hop and R&B appeared to be more polite and more extroverted,
while rockers, on average, were more introverted, sloppier, but more
open-minded to different experiences. Those who love classical music
were nicer, more precise persons, not refusing new experiences but, at
the same time, less stable partners.
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